The Story of Ed & Lorraine Warren

Ed and Lorraine Warren were two of the most famous paranormal investigators that’ve ever lived.

They were best known for their work on the Amityville Horror case, which they claimed was one of the most haunted houses in America. The Warrens were also responsible for investigating other famous cases, such as the Enfield Poltergeist, Bridgewater Triangle & the Annabelle Doll.

Ed Warren was a self-taught demonologist and Lorraine was a natural medium. Together, they made an unstoppable team when it came to investigating paranormal activity as the Warrens were able to help many people who were dealing with hauntings and demonic activity.

They were also able to debunk a lot of fake cases, which helped to make them even more famous. The Warrens were always willing to help people who were dealing with paranormal activity, even if they didn't believe in it themselves, they were able to offer guidance and support to those who needed it the most.

You may know their work from the Conjuring franchise.

The Annabelle doll was originally a Raggedy Ann doll that belonged to a young girl named Donna. Donna's mother had bought the doll for her daughter at a second-hand store. Donna was immediately drawn to the doll and she named it Annabelle; the family didn't think much of the doll until they started to notice that it would move on its own.

The family would also find the doll in different places than where they had left it.

The family began to notice that the doll would often times change its facial expression. The family also noticed that the doll would often bleed from its nose and mouth. The family began to feel like the doll was alive and it was trying to hurt them so they contacted the Warrens for help.

Ed and Lorraine Warren were able to confirm that the doll was indeed haunted. They were also able to determine that the haunting was caused by the spirit of a young girl named Annabelle Higgins.

Annabelle Higgins was a young girl who had died in a car accident and her spirit was attached to the doll and it was using the doll to try and hurt the family.

The Warrens were able to help the family get rid of the doll and the haunting stopped.; the Doll then ended up their own occult museum.

The Warrens were also responsible for investigating the Enfield Poltergeist case. This case is considered to be one of the most well-known poltergeist cases in history. The case took place in Enfield, England in the 1970s. Two young girls, Janet and Margaret, began to experience poltergeist activity in their home.

The girls would often hear strange noises and they would see objects moving on their own. The girls also started to levitate off of the ground. The girls' mother contacted the Warrens for help and Ed and Lorraine Warren were able to confirm that the girls were indeed being haunted by a poltergeist and were also able to help the family get rid of the poltergeist.

The Bridgewater Triangle is another famous case that the Warrens worked on. The Bridgewater Triangle is an area in Massachusetts that is known for its strange paranormal activity. People who have ventured into the Bridgewater Triangle have reported seeing UFOs, bigfoot, and other strange creatures.

The Warrens were able to investigate the Bridgewater Triangle and they were able to confirm that the area was indeed haunted.

Many of the haunted items they found ended up in their care at their museum.

The Warrens Occult Museum is a museum that is dedicated to the work of Ed and Lorraine Warren.

The museum is located in Monroe, Connecticut. The museum is filled with artifacts that the Warrens have collected over the years. The Warrens Occult Museum is a great place to learn about the work of the Warrens.

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