The Story of the Brown Lady

On September 19th, 1936, Country Life photographers were sent to Raynham Hall, England to complete a photo series on the property.

 Whilst snapping up photos, the photographers noticed a misty apparition forming on the stairs of the hall and snapped an image.

 The figure you see on the stairs is known as ‘the brown lady’ and is thought to be the ghost of Dorothy Walpole.

 According to records, Dorothy died in the property of smallpox after being locked away for having a marital affair with Lord Wharton.

Many people have looked at the image and tried to de-bunk it, but experts say it’s not been tampered with in any way.

 The brown lady has been seen many times before this photo was taken.

In 1835, a visitor said he’d seen a shadowy woman in all brown clothing with hollow sockets for eyes wandering the corridors.

 The next year, Captain Frederick Marryat saw the apparition. Thinking it was an intruder, he pulled out his pistol and fired

a shot towards her, leaving a bullet hole in the doorframe of the house. Other reports have been told of guests bumping into a lady dressed in brown all over the property.

Even though the brown lady hasn’t been spotted in quite a while, this photograph remains unsolved and currently seems to still

be one photo that cannot disprove the existence of supernatural occurrences. 

Do you believe?...


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