The Story of Travis Walton…

On the 5th November, 1975, Travis Walton was working as a lumberjack in the Apache, Sitgreaves, National Forest. After a hard day at work, he headed with six co-workers on the way to the nearest town, Snowflake, Arizona.

As they went through the forest, they saw a saucer shaped object around 100 foot in-front of them, gleaming in the woods.

After stopping the vehicle and arguing over what the strange light was, Travis got out of the truck and walked over to the light.

As he did, Travis felt a beam of light come down from the ship and he blacked out.

His friends, terrified, left Travis where he lay and shot off in the car.

As they made it to about a mile down the road, they turned around to see a craft, leaving the earth.

When they returned for Travis, there was no sign of him.

When Travis awoke, he was surrounded by a bright light. At first, he believed he was in a hospital, before noticing three short, bald, humanoid aliens.

He fought with them for a short while, before being covered in a plastic wrap and blacking out again.

Travis’ co-workers returned to the town to let the sheriff know about his disappearance, but they were questioned regarding his murder.

On the 10th December, Travis woke up in the woods where he left with his clothes on backwards, no recollection of how long he’d been gone.

After being questioned regarding his experience, Travis passed several lie-detector tests when he was doubted…

Some believed Travis, many didn’t…

In 1979, Travis wrote a book about his encounter named “Fire in the Sky, which was later adapted into a film in 1993.

Years later, investigations led to scientists exploring the area where Travis was “abducted”. They found levels of radiation in the trees that were deemed to be “un-natural”.

The trees around the area of the incident appeared to grow much faster than the other trees in the area, leading people to believe something really did go on that night.

Do you believe?…


The Story of the Brown Lady